Tuesday, July 26, 2011

swim towards the light

Our old goldfish, Daisy, Spot, Nibbles, and Pumpkin have been lovely fixtures in the freezer for the last few months but their time has finally come (again). And on a side note, we need that space desperately!!! (Our garden has blessed us once again.) So it is time to give these fish what they have coming to them - a proper farewell. Our golden little friends who brought us such joy - even if it was short lived - are loving dumped in the stream at Cascade Springs, to complete their circle of life.

the ever gentle flowing current, true to its own, was eager to help bring them to their final resting places

shimmering, sunny golds - like our fish's scales - lovingly covered everything in our path

along with flowers in full glorious, glamorous bloom

baby moose was out and about making the most of this enchanting evening

a natural beaut!

yellow columbine

cascades a-tumbling

the perfect meadow for picnicking

he knows no wish is complete without blowing every single last seed off

preparing the goods

crumbled falafel wraps

enjoyed by all


Whitney said...

The area is beautiful!

moonshinejunkyard said...

ooooh i love this little picnic. everyone looks so tan and robust and healthy. what a sweet goodbye to the fishies. LOVE YOU ALL!!!