I'm back. That was crazy. So while I was writing about enjoying life now and all that love, Oey comes crying to me. Sad but true, I usually would find something for him to play with or give him a little shoo with my foot. But because I was feeling the love I stopped what I was doing to give him his time and snuggles. I mean this is exactly what I've been talking about. We need to show the ones we love that we love them now, today and always. So while I'm trying to love on him, he throws up all over me and himself. Now isn't that going to be a fun memory. I'm just glad I picked him up. You know how awful you feel right before you throw up. And he came to me, crying "Mama" to make him feel better. He is just too sweet and innocent it kills me. I'm glad I was in tune at that moment, to try and comfort the little lad. I mean I don't even know how much longer he is going to use the word Mama. Anyways if you are worried about him he seems to be doing fine playing and splashing away in the tub (Matt is with him).
As you know Matt and I are in training for a triathlon. Yesterday was the first day I did all the running, biking and almost all the swimming. I was on my last lap when I noticed that I didn't see my family in the shallow end. I did however see a girl with a net scooping out the pool. I ran to find my family. Poor Matt was thrown up on, and poor Oey for being sick. So I almost finished and Matt didn't even get the chance to start.
We are all staying home from church. Bell and I have colds and well you know what O has. Hopefully we will all be able to rest and enjoyed being snowed in, for most likely the last time this year.
A few reminders of what I should enjoy today:
pictures from family home evening a couple weeks ago: