A sea of PINK
Finally made it past most of the walkers, and was able to start jogging with the babes in tow. It was a real obstacle course. Anyone who has done these knows what I'm talking about. It was funny though because at the 1 mile mark we passed a man pulling a wagon and at the 2 mile mark we passed a woman walking with a cane!!! How in the world did they get so far in front of us?
Almost done! Jarom was our little navigator. Always telling us to run faster and to turn. He really wanted us to win a trophy. Matt and I were pretty proud of our time of 40 min. One year it took us an hour and a half. So many people come out for this. It's a real neat thing to be a part of. Some of our favorite shirts we saw read: "I support second base" (this was on a man of course), a group of women had "Save the Ta-Tas", some girls had "save the boobies". And then there was my personal favorite "big or small, save them all". I thank my lucky stars that my world has not been affected by this awful disease. And I don't realize until going to these things how many beautiful, sweet women, young and old, fight this to the death. All the survivors and all the people who walk in memory of have truly touched my heart today. It's quite overwhelming to be part of something so grand. We love being part of this. And plan to keep doing it every year we can.
so good!!! i couldn't run even one mile ALONE, much less pushing 3 big kids in a jogging stroller...wow!! they look so cute and snug in there, i bet it was fun from that vantage point. amy, you and matt are just fantastically fit and it is very inspiring. i like that this particular run makes you think about something serious in a deeper way, too, realizing how important it is to work toward a cure. once again, you guys are amazing! i love when you post 3 at once, it's better than a carnival ride.
Man, I wish I was there with you! The race for the cure is one of my ALL time favorite runs! I love to see so many people all running for the same reason, and to see how many people have been affected by this devistating illness. But what's amazing is that they don't let it get them down, because there they are, running/walking their little hearts out with hope that they will raise awarness and that someday there will be a cure. My mother in law and a few of Paul's Aunts, Uncles and cousins ran it too. Remember, Paul's Aunt survived breast cancer? What a great tradition, to run it every year with your family. Way to go cute Beatty family. I especially love the picture of the three little rug-rats squished together in the jogger!
Good for you!!That is a fun run..lots of people but a great cause!
Way to go Amy! I almost did the run for the cure out here but unlike you I got lazy.I definitely love that same line- " big or small let's save them all." Okay, I know I didn't remember it right but you get the point.
Thanx for putting up the pics you took on Pearl's blessing day, they are so adorable. I wish I could have been there.
Wow, Jarom looks so much like you in the camp out pics. All your kiddies are so cute!!!
Luv you, Stephy
The picture of you pushing all three babes in the cart is great. How do you do it? What a great event to participate in. You are an amazing mom and person. What a blessing to have you in my family. Love you Amy, Nana Sue
Good job, that's cute it's a Beatty family event! I hate to admit this, but I'll never do the running thing, I cant stand it, and you guys grew up in alot more rural place than I did and it was just something you Smith kids did. But I don't know if you knew this, my dad lost his mom at age 15 to breast cancer only to have hid dad re-marry, and she died of the same disease. So It runs big time on my dad's side. So hopefully they'll find a cure with such events, and I won't get it!
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