We had to travel way upstate to find a tree farm. Of course we got there at closing but the kind man with a real Santa beard handed us a spotlight and wished us luck. We were on a mission in the dark to find the perfect tree over ten feet tall (they are the cheaper ones). We saw a ton of beauties, but we could tell they were only 6 and 8 feet tall. We finally found one that we thought was tall enough and not too wide, because most of the 10 footers are huge.
Matt cutting down the tree. Jarom and Oey would not leave him alone, it's a man thing. Matt took a break at one point and I thought I would give it a go, it was taking a while and I was cold and thought I would get the show on the road. Yeah, no luck. I couldn't even get the saw to budge. I really thought it would be easier. I then had to leave Matt and Jarom to finish the work they had begun and took Bella to the car. She had been crying the whole time because she was cold and wanted Daddy to hold her.
I took this from the car and as you can see it ended up not being 10 feet. I think it was 9 and a half but again the kind old man gave us the 10 footer deal and then Matt cut some more off the tree.
Jarom was so excited and dragged the tree to the car.
And there it goes to the top of the car.
The kids were really bummed that we didn't put it up that night but we got home so late. So the next day the kids and I couldn't wait for Matt to get home to put it up so I got to work. I was so pleased with myself when I got it to stand. It was a ton of hard work holding the tree up with one hand when trying to screw it down. You can imagine my disappointment when I stood up to see this!
The star
Everyone needs a turn. You can see we didn't really deck it out. We bought a little set of straw ornaments and those sparkly balls. We are planning on the kids making the rest. And let me tell you, that's what I need to take a picture of, because Jarom has taken it to heart and has been working away with lots of tape, Bella moreso with the pipe cleaners.
My cousin Sarah and her boyfriend showing us a dance from their dance class. While we were watching Bella whispered in Matt's ear that she wished he would dance with her like that.
And she got exactly what she wanted. Just beautiful. Way to go Matt, making her dreams come true one at a time.
We were up in Midway at my aunt's house. Me and Bella with Madison. It was her baptism day.
The whole Fellows clan, minus one.
Carrie, me and Aunt Whitney.
Martha has the sweetest kids. We love being with them. They make us all feel so special.
Then we all went to another gingerbread festival. Oey's favorite was the choo choo.
Martha's ward building was decked out with nativities. Bella is next to the ice one.
Bet you've never seen this before. I thought it was great.
The little lamb
Jarom, Bella and cousin Halle
the cousins
We loved looking at all the nativities from around the world, so awesome.
One night we walked downtown with our friends Bennett and Michelle to check out Provo's live nativity. I was very impressed. When I heard the words live nativity I thought it was just going to be people dressed up standing still. So the kids and I were blown away with all the cute little animals. I love Oey's little pleasant face in this picture, and as you can see he colors on his hand whenever he gets hold of a pen.
Hi baby goat
I got to pet the woolly lamb
Jarom, Bennett and Michelle
had to stop to warm up at a new cute cafe in town, so sad that we have to share.
Making gingerbread houses with Bennett and Michelle
never gets old around here
Provo is so cute. The first Friday of the month they always have all their fire pits going with marshmallows to toast. During the downtown art gallery stroll.
Finally walked over to Maestro's to try their famous gelato.
making goodies for Christmas caroling. These cookies were the best, made with spiced chai tea.
Daddy helped too.
The kids got worried about giving their favorite ones away so they ate them
Bella got ready all on her own. She reminds me so much of her aunt Adie. Notice the pink eyes, mine will make an appearance soon.
A little snow is so pleasing to the soul
The ward Christmas party was so fun. Matt even had a line, it started something like this - hear ye hear ye.....
Jarom and his buddy
O and miss pinkeye - not really pink one or I wouldn't have been there. I know Oey's is the one that really looks pink but it is just from a brown marker he found and colored on his hand and then rubbed his eye and nose.
Provo had a Christmas farmers market in the snow.
It was cold and wet but we just couldn't miss it.
Warming up by the fire.
Getting fresh donuts!
And of course we are with Bennett and Michelle, our last group hangout for now. Michelle moved to S. Ca today and Bennett will leave in a few days. SOO sad. Bella sipping her lavender hot cocoa, Oey came home with a new beanie and we all came home crying because our toes were ice. This is our third winter in Utah, you would think we would be prepared for this, but no. The next thing we did was a first. We went over to Target and spent more money on snow boots then we do on our shoes. So hopefully we will be able to enjoy this beautiful winter a little more and no more leaving early because we can't STAND the COLD.
your blog is definitely aptly named! you get around! and y'all are hard core for going to the farmers market during the blizzard! also, i think my frozen dog and i ended up in one of your pix. =)
LOL, I was laughing pretty hard at your crooked tree in the stand. I did the same thing, It took me forever to try to hold that thing in place and screw it in just right…when I stood up I was sorely disappointed looking at a leaning tree!
That live downtown nativity was awesome…a live camel!!!! Shut up!!
I love making gingerbread houses. We are having a ginger bread house party this weekend with the nieces and I cant wait.
Looks like so far your December has been pretty amazing!
You guys have to be the most adventuristic (check spelling) family ever. Way to go with the tree, die hards. A fake one is not as adventurous but much easier to manage, yeah? Merry Christmas, Beatty Family.
Cute Amy! Paul and I went to the Heber Nativity Festival thing when we first got married, that brought back memories! You guys are so fun! By the way, I am in need of Merry's address for Christmas cards. Can you email it to me? Love ya! BTW, April should have her baby really soon, she's already dilated at a 3, whoa!!
I love your brown hat. so stylin. Well, it looks like the Christmas season is alive at the Beatty home. I love this time of year. It really has been so much fun for us as well. We just made sugar cookie dough to make tomorrow. It really is so much fun to bring that magic to our children's lives. I wish we could share some of these memories together. When are you going to come for Christmas? We will have to make sure to hang out.
i know i say this a lot, but seriously...BEST BLOG EVER. i love all these pictures so much. so many rosy cheeks, mittens, hot cocoas, and joyous faces! i love how much oey likes animals, those baby goats are irresistible and i can't believe the CAMEL. Whoa! AWESOME, as oey would say. i seriously can't wait to see you guys and i love how much you are out and about even in the freezing cold and snow. we had a little bit here too, but i didn't get any pictures. wouldn't it be a wonder to finally have a white christmas in california right in the middle of global warming! weird world. anyway i miss you guys like crazy and cannot wait to see you!!!
Decebember is always such a crazy busy, exciting month of the year. We've been pretty busy around here too, with Christmas parties, making christmas cookies, decorating the tree (a fake one), even went to a Dallas Mavericks game! All that fun stuff, and the month is only halfway over! So happy to see all your bright smiling faces during all of your fabulous Christmas festivities! I love the picture of Bella and Matt dancing, too precious!
Best Pic - Matt with his fly down with a $5 spot hanging out...is that a tip?
Wow, I was just totally caught. Why was my fly down? Did Santa slip that fiver in my pocket? What happened out in that tree farm at 10:00 at night?
Here is it January 3, 2009 and Christmas has come and gone with all it's usual glory and drama. It was so fun on this lonely Saturday morning for me to take a trip with you, my precious little family, through all your fun December doings. I loved everything about the Christmas Tree Farm and getting the tree, it reminded me of when Matt was little. Many times we picked out and cut down our own tree throughout the years.We even have some of the same pictures of tree-top star hanging along with the drama of who gets to place it there. Many times it was placed and replaced by those who wanted their turn.It is no wonder you want to stay in Utah. How can we ever compete with all those wonders. Who would have ever thought of a Farmer's Market in the snow! I wish I could have gone, I love your Farmer's Markets! All the nativitys and the animals in downtown Provo what a joy! I couldn't believe there was a real camel there! Thank you for coming to see us in California, we all love you so much and wish you were here with us always. Nana
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