We have been in a dreamy state since arriving home, some call it jet lag. In the two days we have been home we have been waking up at the time we are suppose to be dropping the kids off at school. Not the best way to start a day. Trying to get back to real life. Meetings with teachers and visits from the plumber have helped. But spending time with the kids is best!
First night in town - nothing welcomes you home quite like the roller rink.
Cutest little duo
Last night we went to the Festival of Trees for the first time ever and loved it. They had a kids corner with tons of activities and crafts for insanely cheap and ALL the proceeds go to the Primary Children's Medical Center. We all had a ball and enjoyed walking through the forest of Christmas trees. And they were crazy. I had never in my life seen such themed trees. I didn't even take any pictures of the real over-the-top fancy pants ones.
These two are sweet trees
I thought the cupcakes were cute
There were a couple trees with faces
The kids of course loved the Gingerbread houses. We missed our usual Gingerbread Festival while we were away.
Snowman trees
Cute gingerbread one - Gingerbread definitely says Christmas to me, unlike the cupcake.
Barbie themed
A few Sesame Street ones
Oeys eyes bugged out at this super hero one and the Toy Story one.
Stopped about halfway through the trees for some hot fresh scones with honey and cinnamon butters
This tree - might have been the best one there. Its simplicity speaks to me and says - Christmas, pure and simple.
This one was fun though. I like the Santa being swallowed by the wave.
There were lots of pink girlie ones. I hope Bella never has a mirror like that in her room: "Someday my Prince will come." I think I would rather it say DIVA - another of my least favorite things. Bella did love all the girlie ones. Can't really blame her though, she was born into this world.
Now this little masterpiece was up for sale. Well, everything there is for sale for a GREAT cause, and surprisingly, everything about sold. Even this! But why?!
I would rather buy this cornstalk girl in the ivy - but, it was SOLD!
We didn't even get to finish looking at the trees or even begin to look at the wreaths and quilts. But we did hear last call for hot scones, 50% off!
Christmas Cheer, awaken me and help shake this funk off. Or at least snow some more and let me cozy up with cocoa, kids, lights, stories, candles and melt away into the holiday.
LOVE the Festival of Trees! Such a fun Christmas tradition.
Glad you had fun in New Zealand.
Amy, you are the best momma! I so wish we lived close to you guys. We'll be neighbors in heaven for sure!
Awesome pictures! Glad you are all safe at home and enjoying the holidays. You guys should come out this way and go drive through the lights at thanksgiving point and then come over to our house for cocoa and goodies!
excuse me? where is my comment. i distinctly remember commenting on this post??! weird...anyway i say too much all the time anyway, but glad to see that you are enjoying pure winterness! can't wait to come go sledding with you. i send you all jarom milkshakes.
Heather: I don't see any previous comment from you--weird. just checked and figured I'd let you know (not on the fbook either).
Lisa: we totally should! we just need to plan a time.
Ok I will not miss this event next year.
That Thomas Kincaid THING???? It's horribly awesome!!!! Gahah gahah (mikie taught me that test version of a laugh)
Anyhow, another delicious post. Those scones were making my tummy rumble big time. I can't believe that mirror "someday my prince will come"- Ah well. I guess I always thought it when I was little, so....whatevs.
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