For the summer solstice last week we couldn't think of any better way to welcome summer than by hanging out in the backyard.
it just so happens that the name of the chapter we were on that night was "Midsummer Eve"
Bella and Jarom listened intently while Orion perfected the perfect fall into summer

And summer has been HOT!! Daddy and Orion making the trek home from the water park. Problem with walking the mile home is that it only takes a few short steps to realize you want to walk back the other way. We come home a little braindead each time.
escaping the heat with the free kids bowling at Fat Cats
right before he dribbles the ball down the lane
the winner!! with a whopping 89!!
living-room camping/party
all sea critters must be on a leash
Late night run to the drive-in. The kids have no problem staying up till 1:00 am to finish off the double header.
always time for love letters, on our new (old) Coronet Super 12 electric typewriter -- Jarom's DI find

Bella's to her daddy
The last couple of years we have been out of town for all the festivities that go on here for the 4th of July.
The Freedom Festival is kicked off with the Children's Parade. A bunch of us from the neighborhood made sure to use this as our soapbox. Recently a bill passed allowing anyone to pave up to 40% of their backyard, which is up 15% from the previous ordinance. To some, it may not sound like a big deal, but you have to know all the CONCRETE details. Because it means you can virtually pave the whole backyard. The law before had a 75% landscaping requirement, and that has now been eliminated, down to 0%!!!!! YES - 0%! The reasoning behind the change was because they have gotten "complaints" that some could not reach their third garage (really?) or had no room to park their RVs with only 25% paved. We real Provo residents know better though. And cannot be convinced otherwise. Already, since the passing of the new bill, whole backyards have been blacktopped over. And guess what?! It was exactly what we feared, and knew would happen. And it was NOT for anyone's third garage or RV!! It is a parking lot!! For all those landlords who reap the benefits of buying up our historic homes and renting each room out but need more parking!! A bunch of us concerned citizens met with the mayor about this issue for three and half hours last week in the Barbers' backyard, along with some city council members. Our Joaquin neighborhood chair created a petition that we are hoping to fill with signatures to help our case. Please sign it if you're with us!:
The youngest and cutest activist
Oliver and Raquel's sign read, "Stop the Pavement." Matt and I held one that said, "Save our Yards!"
We may have been chanting, but whenever us adults stopped, the kids were eagar to pick it up and chant even louder.
No one seemed to mind or even really take notice. So we thought.
Happy to be part of it all and rewarded with popsicles at the end.
It has been an overwhelming week of to-dos and must-get-dones while driving in the 90-degree weather, stuck going from parking lot to parking lot, running errands that make it feel more like a million degrees out. Needing to run away from the heat and the hate of more heat coming from our new parking lots I couldn't help but take a "wrong" turn and enjoy what lies waiting at my fingertips. My mountains. Nothing can calm the ringing society in my head like the breeze rushing down to kiss my pulsing temples. Calm.
These mountains bring me such solace throughout the year. These emerald snowcapped mountains last for the shortest season. So you have to take it all in everyday. Fortunately for me they greet and follow me throughout my day. They smack me in the face with pure beauty and grace when I walk out of Costco. They attend every single one of Jarom's baseball games.
They have filled our rivers. Happy and bustling they flow.
Putting our feet into freshly melted snow dissolves all anger and is a straight shot of renewed strength for every pore and cell.
my three amigos
make every summer day remarkable
we stayed as long as we could
and also delayed whenever we could - while the kids stopped to catch butterflies,
I made sure to keep taking in the view.