Jarom started our Halloween off right by winning the cakewalk at my work party. We were all very proud.
All ready for trick-or-treating downtown
My cuties were sooo happy that this day had finally arrived. We started at 1 pm, and walked a couple miles. Oey passed out quickly in the stroller.
Made it back in time for the ward trunk-or-treat. Jarom, a true firefighter, collecting candy in his hat. Me and the kids also made a cookiewalk/musical chairs -- we think it was a hit.
Jarom with his teacher and good buddy
Lovers even in death
Okay. So Matt and I cheated and took a shower before the real trick-or-treating began. We were so done wearing that make-up. Found a cozy neighborhood to trick-or-treat in and followed our nose to the wonderful smell of fresh cotton candy!!!!
These two were hard to keep up with
This is back in our area. The kids didn't want to be done and really wanted to go to some houses they had been admiring for the last month. Matt and I were lazy and drove them to a few houses and they would jump out and trick-or-treat at a few houses and jump back in.
The following day. One lazy Sunday. Priceless.
you guys all looked SO CUTE. i cannot believe how much more and more and more grown up jarom looks each time i see pictures! we realized we'll be there for his birthday!!! hooray. the kids are at the perfect age for trick or treating...you guys will always remember those nights running through the neighborhoods so excited and alive. now i have to wonder...did someone MAKE homemade cotton candy to give out? if so that is awesome and so adorable. what a great halloween. you and matt looked spookily GORGEOUS.
amy, your kids are super cute. I JUST GOY REALLY STOKED IN ME HEART TO COME FOR A QUICKIE VISIT. hooray! yahoo! yahoo for school! yahoo for me!
What fun!
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