blooming delicious arugula
plucked some calendula petals
Made for one yummy summer salad, even the kids love it, they love picking the flowers for it too.
Just this morning 5 minutes ago
We find tons of ripe strawberries every morning now
Matt and part of his breakfast
One of my very favorite things - lavender, and it is in full bloom in my very own yard - HEAVEN!
Same with this sage, smells so goooooooooooooooood.
Bella, up bright and early, wanted to pose with these lovely ladies.
I don't know how I'm leaving this for THREE weeks. Jarom, Matt and I check and tend to the garden first thing every morning. We all get so delighted to see plants breaking through the ground and watching things double in size. I'm so sad to leave it. Hoping Matt can keep up the work without us.
oh my gosh your yard is LOOKING BEAUTIFUL!!!! i can't believe how everything has come to pure LIFE! you might like what carolann wrote about farming and seeds growing here (i hope that works. i never know till i try posting it.) anyway that is the prettiest lil salad i ever did see. and i can't wait till you guys arrive! i know matt will do a great job with the plantsies, just get your booties over here. are you really coming THIS WEEK? call me or write me a message. what are your plans? love love love love love LOVE YOU and that zest for REAL LIFE!
What a beautiful garden Amy! Did you guys move into that or plant it yourselves?
YEs, we have been planting non-stop for weeks now, it is so addicting. We did inherit the most amazing herb garden that wraps around the house and raspberries that line one side of the yard. SOOOO Awesome. This week we have spent all our time and money on the front. It use to be full of rocks but we have moved them and planted flowers. I will have to make a blog about it, just because I love my flowers so.I don't know how I lived without them the last three months:) see you in days- both you ladies xoxo I will get to town Monday!!
AMy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYY! I love this one!
Oh the joy of gardening.!!! It is SOOO sooo very addictive! It's still too chilly at night at my house so my seeds won't take off, but your place loooks like ACTUAL heaven. I would also have an extrememly difficult time leaving! Those plants are part of your family! You have nursed them to life, watched for their arrival, watched them for any mishaps or sadnesses, and everything is absolutely THRIVING. I am so stoked Ames, and now i have GOT to get out there before your beautiful garden is done for. Impromptu Utah trip, here I come! Are the kids pretty into it to?
Oh.....Pollock might just be a bit too wintery for me. Things don't grow here the same at all. How I miss my morning garden delight. Every year last year I was up at 9-9:30, in a bathing suit, checking the zucchini blooms and tomato flowers and sweet peas and watering watering watering. I planted tomates at Dads....but I it's a 15 minute drive plus and I don't get to see them near oft enough.
I love seeing yours though. What a delight. .....
I'm in a sweatshirt right now. It's 65 degrees and I'm chilly in our shady frontier. BLEAH.
Amy, what kind of flowers did you put in the front? One thing I do OK about the growing here in Pollock is my beautiful beautiful Columbine flowers. They even love shade and acidic soil under pine trees!
so so great - you are great at gardening
gorgeous gorgeous yard!!! loooove the lavender!!
Adie: we put coreopsis, salvia, roses of sharon, creeping myrtle, geraniums (in pots). Sadly, our soil is so awful they are not faring that well. Actually, most are okay except the roses of sharon. I am trying especially hard to revitalize them, but it looks like it's over for at least one (of four) for now.
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