Welcome to Roswell - home of the aliens landing

And not much more...

but made our drive all the more merry.
Bats leaving the cave at Carlsbad Caverns at sunset. Don't ask how I got this photo. I'm not even going to ask. I just saw it there with our other photos and thought I should use it since they had signs up EVERYwhere - saying NO photos. And to my surprise we have one. Sneaky sneaky.

Leaving the amphitheater with my honey
Lovely ladies looking at all the caterpillars
handsome boys taking in the vast desert sunset glow
One might think it was going to be a quite evening
Our campground was fully loaded with the goods. And we had a full blown party. Jukebox blaring oldies set the let-loose-and-go-wild tone.

And my opponent - It's a wonder how I ever won.
Once we got kicked out of the rec room the party got a little out of hand. Caution - big children at play.
We all took turns running in circles trying to catch a ride and then to also watch out for the one crazy tire that also took turns sneaking up and hitting everyone.
A calmer bunch, Em is holding her hand out to block the wild tire.
Oey pretty much never moved from his spot
Trying to make our way back to the campsite. And calm down for the other campers' sakes. I swear. But things kept getting in the way.
It was a fine hopscotch tournament.
Going backwards
Don't forget to use the Bat Rooms before bed.
Heather pouring the cherry cider freely.
O! Use the Bat Room already!!!
After a good night's rest we woke to a beautiful morning
Back to the bat cave.
And this time we are going IN!!!
This cave is HUGE!! We kept walking further down into Mother Earth. I felt like I could be in my own version of Journey to the Center of the Earth, I just needed that duck.
I posted this photo just for all to stare at Matt's curly sexy locks. I love them!!
And now I will just post a picture with a single person in it. We will pretend they are standing by their favorite formation. The lovely Bella and Jabba.
Matty(locks) under the lion tails
Jarom and his very own huge perfectly toasted marshmallow.
And well for me. I want to show you my REAL favorite, but I wasn't standing by it.
TA DA!! There is just something about it I find so personal. Warms my bosom.
After walking miles in the cave we came to the end which was shopping!!! Don't know how I feel about that but still loving Matt's curls.
I did have to use this though.

Kids being sworn in as Junior Rangers
Ended the day with the best frozen custard ever at Caliche's in Alamogordo. Sounds weird, but was delish!!
Holy smokes lady, I can't fathom doing a fraction of the trips you guys do. Must be a love for the gypsy life...
I get tired just reading your blog.
(said with love.) : )
I love Matt's curls too and the love you have for them is adorable! It seems as though my kids got his curls somehow??Now you need to start putting exact dates on all these trips so I know when you actually go, because I have no idea when you go.
i am dying laughing amy! you have the absolute BEST way of telling a story. the night at our campground was so awesome, the way you got pictures of everything and talk about our wildness, and the cherry cider pouring freely ;) and then the bat rooms and then O not using the bat rooms! i had tears in my eyes from laughing!
then the caverns...oh lady your tour was amazing from matt's curls to each person's fave to YOUR OWN PERSONAL FAVE THAT "WARMS YOUR BOSOM," girl you are hilarious and a natural storyteller.
frozen custard is the yummiest.
love you!
and as for the date, this mostly went down on october 8-9 for kim's ref.
Wow- what an awesome trip- seems like you guys saw a million things- How long were you gone?! Ive always wanted to go to N.Mexico--- Amy you look gorgeous!
April: we did a 9-day road trip (piggybacking my family's road trip from California through the southwest). Most of it was in New Mexico, some in Moab and southwest Colorado. SO much fun.
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