We woke in the dark and drove to White Sands to watch the sun rise and enjoy our last few hours with our family.

My Birthday boy. It was so magical to be here with my love, surrounded by the beauty and love our Heavenly Father has so lovingly given us.

Orion knows the real deal. And is ready to get his daddy's surprise party started. Maybe it's because he picked out the Spiderman cake and gets it for breakfast.
Matt was surely surprised when we all walked to him from our different directions with these awesome glasses on singing Happy Birthday dear Matty!!
A party in the sands - might as well have been the stars.
Saying goodbye was hard. And for the rest of the day we had to stop and remind ourselves not to grab for the walkie talkie and ask if they wanted to stop or DID you see THAT?
Our next stop was to Three Rivers. Out in the middle of nowhere are what seems to be mountains fallen into piles of rubble. And everywhere you looked something was looking back at you.
We have seen our fair share of petroglyphs but nothing ever like these.
They are so creative and fun. We just scrambled over and around to find them all.
I love this little birdie. I told everyone to take it all in, because next summer I want us to paint the fence that lines our yard and fill it with all of our favorite ones.
They even had a ton of cool designs and peace signs
Even when you think you have seen them all you turn around and run into more
Jarom next to the chubby bighorn sheep.
Birthday boy (I begged him to wear his birthday suit, guess next year I'll have to take him somewhere a little more out-there to feel comfortable)
First day back home and we celebrated some more. It wouldn't be a real MATT party without his favorite Virgil's sodas.
Not to mention his favorite cake (homemade carrot cake with fresh shredded ginger and carrots)
And friends - thanks to all who made it on last minute notice.
Happy bday Mat!
awww, what a glorious birthday mattie had, all in all, the white sands, the spideycake, the fizzle-out candles, the silly eyes, petroglyphs of all sorts and shapes, travels over many lands, and then a great big party with friends! what could be more perfect. and amy, you are totally EM in that last pictures, spanking little booties just like she spanks her kitties. two great birthdays in two weeks, the world should be celebrating. love you guys and happy bdays!!!
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