Annual gingerbread house making. Our baby village. We have always done one BIG house, but this year we thought it would be fun to let the kids all make their own - you can see they have different styles (or just prefer different candies).
Jarom's is sweet and simple
While Bella wanted to decorate every last inch and make sure she made a family to live there in complete comfort.
This is the best time to make ice ornaments.
They froze solid with in hours and have been hanging beautifully on our Mother tree.
This is the only one who dared to try and melt
Capturing the sun's light and glows before it sets.
My little brick house and ice ornaments
staying HOT at the bounce houses
staring contest with Asher - he is a pro and a cutie
Milly and Bella
Dinner with Eden who came all the way from MD. The perfect little package.
She brought her parents with her!!
Ice skating
They could not wait to get out on the ice and try ice skating for the first time.
Orion, the speed demon with his old man walker, sprinted! He kept the crowds on their toes. Watch out - he will cut you off and then turn and go into oncoming traffic. So fun to watch. Then there's poor Jarom. For the life of him he can't seem to find balance.
We stayed till the lights were turned low. Now we know why it was so crowed - date night central.
In the end we had to get Jarom his own walker - he was taking us all down with him. Here he is desperately trying to keep up with Orion. His efforts were in vain.
Even with the walker he still managed to still. This time was the worst though. Bonked his head really hard on the ice. Ouch. Poor guy.
Oey had to let his little bird heart calm down and decided to lie there and chill while eating the floor's ice shavings, so gross.
Last but not least - the star. She loved it and could have skated all night long.
Her she is pulling her daddy.
O's trick to staying warm. Wearing his snuggles (as he calls them) under his uniform.
That last fall gave Jar a mean goose egg.
The kids started piano this week. So this week has been full of the Darth Vader theme song and Someday My Prince Will Come.
This has been the best way to keep our home merry and cozy to the brim. Especially if you like a nice twangy sound. Welcome to the Beatty Saloon.
ice skating pros! that looks so fun and i can't believe what a little natural athlete bella is...good at everything she tries! poor jarom though, i want to kiss that bump and hold him tight. those ice ornaments in the tree out front are gorgeous and i am glad to see you are all weathering the cold with cheer and creativity! you inspiring souls! i sort of envy those who have real true winter. love you. keep having fun cuties!
those ice ornaments are really cool! and how cool that they have walkers at the skating rink. I haven't been skating with our kids before, so who knew. looks like fun! (except for the bumps)
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