When Matt and I were still young and free our favorite thing to do was to take a day trip to San Francisco. We never tired of walking those hilly city blocks, hitting up Pier 39 for some fresh sourdough bread, and let's not forgot picking out a new souvenir from Chinatown!! There are endless possibilities. And we always found the most interesting restaurants. All of our countless trips to SF are etched in our minds perfectly. I thought it would be so romantic to relive it all and visit. First stop would be the Oakland temple, where we were married for time and eternity. The Oakland temple probably has the best views of the city and the sparkling bay. I imagined us crying and laughing, reminiscing over all our ups and downs over the years, but agreeing that we have loved every moment and would do it all over again happily as long as we have each other. And our one problem would be trying to kiss without the wind blowing my hair around our faces. Next we would walk in and out and around the city until we found the perfect eatery. Then, an extra bonus, I had gotten us tickets to see Wicked. I had heard over and over again how amazing it was. And I know people who have seen it over and over again. And during this very trip visiting family, every time I got into my sister's car they were playing the music and singing along. I really felt like I was missing out on something grand. So here we go - the perfect date xo. I dressed in my newest girlie dress, fresh picked from the local thrift shop thanks to my loving sister who saw it and knew it was made for me, puffy sleeves and all.
Found a nice place to park ...
... to fix a flat - wish it was to make out xo. Not only that, but we dropped the kids off late and we don't have the skills to just drop them off and run. So we stayed and chatted it up for a while. Which resulted in my having to choose what to drop from the perfect date list: the city or the temple. It was heartbreaking. But I thought I had better drop going to the temple since the play was in the city.
Back on track. You can see the city through the clouds. But we took the long way around the city and then had trouble finding safe and secure parking. There goes the city and dinner. I was worried about not making it to the show.
Finally there, and in time to be able to pick up a veggie burger from Burger King, which was right across the street. Not what I had in mind for my memorable dinner, but it was dinner and will not be forgotten.
Doing the classic pose
The theater itself was very cool. The props and acting WERE amazing, but life-changing? I think not. I did enjoy every moment of it, but I also feel that way with most plays where I have only paid a few bucks and not a whole slew of bucks.
Walking around the block will have to count for our city walk. Too bad we had a time limit at the parking garage. They closed at midnight.
We should have known that a can of fix-a-flat was too good to be true.
Matt decided to really fix it this time. But when it came down to it (first time putting on the spare in this car), we realized we didn't have the right tools. So we got nowhere. We asked everyone we could find, which was hardly anyone since the place was closing soon. We had to call for help and thank goodness it came in no time. I was worried about being locked in the garage for the night. But the guy was quick and the guy in charge of the garage waited the extra one minute for us to leave before locking up for the night. Feeling good until we reached that first toll bridge. Where was Matt's wallet? Long story short: we turned around. Called the garage that has been closed for at least an hour. They have a security guard on duty who could not find a thing. After leaving the garage for the second time we slowly retraced our steps and in the end found nothing. We are pretty sure we had left it on top of the car after paying the handyman and being in such a hurry we jumped right in the car to leave, feeling so lucky that it was all working out in the nick of time.
Matt spent most of the drive home in the wee hours of the morning calling and making reports. And if anyone knows Matt he HATES to lose things and was stuck on it for most of the drive. I sat in silence watching the rest of the bay slide by and then nice hidden nooks that would have been perfect to pull over to make up for the first part of the date. But it never happened. Matt still asks now why I never nudged him and suggested my wants and hopes. But I too was sulking, feeling sad and heartbroken that my perfect romantic date was anything but.
Months have now passed. Coming across these pictures now brings a smile to my face. I wouldn't change a thing about any of our ups and downs. As long as I have my love, life is perfect.
This picture is a little beat up from being in a frame without glass for the last ten years.
A page from my very first scrapbook
One of our real memorable dinners, taking photos of us in the mirror.
Our bright and beautiful wedding day xo
LOVE IT! this is the best story. amy you have the sweetest way of going with the flow, even when you're pouting it won't last long. and your attitude is so GOOD about everything it makes me want to cry. i loved being with you guys for a couple days. i keep bringing up things we talked about and did to the point that darin thinks i have a crush on you guys. "matt said this," "amy says that..." etc. this was the most romantic post. your love is so pure and grand and huge. your approach to love is inspiring my lady!
Isn't it wonderful how time seems to refine our memories? Look at where you guys have been and how far you've come. That's some history worth holding on to... and a beautiful couple to boot!
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