Last week when we got a phone call from the Petersens asking if we would like to join them for a day on their vacation in Midway/Park City - we answered with "FOR SURE!"
It has warmed up here a bit which made it all the more enjoyable to walk Main Street in Park City. We stopped at our favorite western/Indian store and stocked up on our favorite incense.
There is no resisting the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, you go with the flow and get the one or two (three, four) things you can't live without. Best part it has a backdoor that enters right into the coziest bookstore. Dolly's Bookstore to be exact.
No fine bookstore is complete without the furriest friendly cat.
After gorging ourselves on garlic bread knots and pizza (which is a must after sugar highs) we warmed up under the heat lamps. Can you guess which one of us is really5 months pregnant?
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Oh little town of Midway.
They have the one and only ice castles. They are so amazing. To be out in the harsh cold walking in and about such lovely art is a fairytale come true. You can't help but think of all the fun little possibilities that one's mind can play out.
She bids you to enter - you don't do it without some caution though.
But all is fine and perfectly dandy
The master mind behind it has put so much time and thought into his creations. These were icicles he grew and then used them to make a thorny topper.
Ice hostel
This room has a divine view of the moon
Little missy keeping warm with her cocoa
Bravely standing under the archway of death
Nothing compares to a pure melt in a spa and heated pool after touring the Ice Queen's palace.
Double my pleasure with the doublemint duo.
The kids agree wholeheartedly
Asher playing on the steps
Little otters.
On a REAL scary note: I was standing at the deep end of the pool, pulling out kids and drying them off. Trying to get ready to leave. They all wanted to stay badly but it was getting late and we still had our drive home. Bella and Jarom were the easiest to get out despite their complaining. Oey on the other hand would scream and yell in a room that echoes. So I was going to save him for last, knowing I can pick and wrap him up and walk out all at the same time to save those who were trying to still enjoy their night soaking. Orion is good at doing what he can and playing it safe. He just loves to inch along the edge of the pool. Feeling big and independent (which creates the cutest, most prideful smile while his eyes are just gleaming - melts my heart thinking about it) . I was watching him in the corner of my eye as I got all of our things together. And then I noticed something was different and had to watch him with both eyes. He had decided he no longer needed two hands on the wall and was going to use one. It didn't last very long because then his other hand let go. And in my mind for some reason I think he is trying to swim. But there really is no trying or struggling going on I just watch his little arms reach up and then he is sinking and sinking and only his finger tips are out of the water before I yell, HE'S DROWNING!!!! Which just startles everyone and I see I'm the only one able and ready to go for the rescue even though I'm on the wrong end of the pool. It seemed like it took me a lifetime to maneuver around kids in towels and lounge chairs but then before I knew it I was kneeing and reaching as far down as a could for my little priceless guy (thank goodness he was in the shallow end, I think I would of ended up doing a somersault in if it was any deeper). He came out a little startled but glad to be saved and able to breath. This story might not seem like such an eye-opener or life changing. But believe you me!! When it is your own beloved child it is. It haunts me that I wasn't watching him all night. I wonder how and why I was a good attentive mother at the right time. What if I hadn't been watching him then? We were all on the wrong side of the pool. When would we have noticed that our happy silent little monkey had slipped beneath the water. How long would it be, a moment, a minute or heartbreakingly never - someone else notices for us. Hard to shake these kind of moments off. I'm all too grateful and blessed that nothing worse happened.
oh amy you are gripping my heart!!!! where were the other adults?! poor little o, his arms just reaching up quietly, and he couldn't find anything to hold onto!!!! ugh it makes my stomach heave. poor amy too! you must have had a heart attack. well i am so glad that you had that perfect instinct and spirit to look at your baby right at that moment. and the trip could end full of love and joy and gratitude. what a beautiful day and lucky lessons are always good. LOVE YOU GUYS! see you in a week. anything you need from cali???
OH AMY! Well, it's destiny that everything turned out OK and you learned to have a more watchful eye than EVER around water. When I worked at the lobbying firm we worked to create laws for Child Safety around pools...I can't tell you how many devastating stories I heard. Now Oey had better take a crash course in swimming and providing you don't have any new tinies in your life from here on out ;) you will be safe forevermore from the danger of water. Thank goodness! You ARE a good mama Amy, such a good mama...your motherly instincts kicked in to keep your eye on him right when it was most important.
Secondly, on the topic of danger.....THOSE ICE CASTLES!!! I would have ran like lightening beneath those spearful ice daggers! Was there a sign that said "enter at your own risk" .....geez... but what a gorgeous sight to behold.
That Native American store looks awesome I want to go! Also...the cozy cats and Rocky Mountain chocolate....I can't wait to have kindly moments like such with you this weekend!
All my love
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