Jarom and I on his baptism day. A moment long awaited.
Some Beattys made it
along with some of the Smith clan -- which was so wonderful. We wanted as much family as possible to support and love Jarom on his big day.
Jarom planned his whole program. His grandpas gave the prayers, he and the cousins sang and Carl gave the talk.
Carl and Jarom. Carl just got his mission call on Christmas Eve. He leaves in a couple months to New York, New York, Spanish-speaking. We are all so excited for him.
Daddy and his boy.
I had asked Jarom over and over again who he would like to baptize him. And he always said his dad. Who at this time is on his own path of discovery. You can't imagine my joy or surprise when Matt came home late from work one night to tell me he had gone to the bishop to see if he could baptize Jarom. My heart is overflowing with such love for these guys and for my Father in heaven with his master plan and for our brother Jesus Christ - through them, all things are possible. I know they delight with me and forgive us for having the most rowdy, crazy baptism ever.
Congrats to Jarom! Tyler gets baptised this year too and I can't wait!
that was so fun. jarom is the best character, he makes everything bright. i love you guys. you make my heart sing seeing your faces here. AMY! i have three more AWESOME family pics of the smiths...should i email them to you to send along to whichever family member most needs them? i know what i'll do...put them up on flickr so anyone can access them.
Amy, my heart is overflowing for you and your family. It is amazing how our children can work miracles in our hearts and gently prompt us back to the right path- just as the Savior would. I am so sorry I missed it, but hope to see you guys real soon! We are proud of you Jarom.
Dad told us the baptism was great. I am glad it went well. What a great family you have!!!
Congrats Jarom! What a great day for the family to celebrate together. We miss you guys, and wish we could have been there.
Amy, I want you to know something. I love u. I think you're wonderful and adore your posts. Kiss the little ones for me:)
Congratulations to Jarom! Some of my favorite memories of my children are of their baptism days, probably because it was a time when the family came together to show their love and support!
Oh Amy, I was just thinking about you and your family. I want to come over and see your new home. What a lovely post this was to read. I love your family. I hope we can get together soon.
Congratulations, Jarom! Wonderful post-- All the best to you all.
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