We came with my bfcf ( best friend/cousin forever)
We enjoyed cookies, cocoa, rain and snow. These young ones felt the spirit...
and ran with it.
Spidey in an apron. Not Christmas around here unless we make our Christmas treats. Oey rolling the spiced chai dough.
Dolly and Tyler were sweet as can be and helped the kids ice them while I baked up a storm.
Here we go a-caroling!! If our Little Drummer Boy didn't bring the Christmas spirit to our block, I don't know what could. Our hearts were full of glad tidings. Dolly said it made her Christmas wish come true when a few porch lights came on while we marched by drumming, jingle belling, singing and the doors would swing open and someone would yell, "Merry Christmas!"
Caroling was just the beginning of our fun night. We decided to hit up the sledding hill at midnight. To our dismay it was 50% grass and 50% snow. Didn't stop us though.
Tyler came to Bella's rescue. We all stood at the top of the hill watching bella fly down. We were a little stunned that she got so much speed, and to top it off (when we could no longer see her), she had flown down into outer darkness, and we then heard the biggest splash and loudest scream!! Who knew under that ice and snow there was a stream.
This little fellow was a brave soul who screamed like a girl and than toddled up as quick as he could carrying his own sled to do it over and over again.
Racing!! Bella and Dolly hit a jump that someone had made near the bottom. They got SOO much air. It was great fun to see them silently flying (besides the screaming) and then have them touch down again with a thud. Thank goodness no one got hurt. I would hate to have to feel guilty for laughing my head off.
Christmas Eve. All ready for the kiddies.

Christmas morning!! Stockings are my absolute favorite part. I spend so much time trying to find the perfect little treasures for each of them. Jarom's toe was filled with Chuck E. Cheese's tokens instead of the usual orange.
Okay, so I stuff their stockings with as many little wrapped gifts will fit.
By the time stockings are over I'm thinking - why do we do presents? We do only give each kid three gifts each. It is one way the kids can remember why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. If you don't remember, Jesus received three gifts also. But this also makes the kids want to save their money and buy gifts for each other. Fine by me. It was actually very sweet to see them trying to pick out the best gifts for each other.
Daddy and his daddy stocking. Most years all his gifts can fit in there. Which they all did this year except for the tiny shelf I got him for his STILL boxed up den!!!
Bella made daddy a book. I think this one is how someone got the Christmas spirit. If anyone has it - it is her.
Oey and his favorite new legos.
Bella got the much desired American Girl doll. I'm so excited to start reading those books with her.
Brother and sister using their DSs to communicate with each other.
Our first Christmas at home in a nutshell - AMAZING!!! No fighting, just playing. Probably the calmest Christmas ever. It was such a priceless treat to be with them and see their eyes glow and just know that they are having the best day ever. We cuddled on the couch and read, put new toys together, watched a Christmas movie and ended the night with a candlelit feast.
AWWW you guys just warm my little heart so much. what a beautiful christmas you had...and i didn't know dolly and tyler came to visit, how fun! your sledding adventures are hilarious! i am so glad you guys got to have such a peaceful christmas at home. now i just can't wait to come visit! i hope there's more snow, c'mon utah show me some real winter!!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!
I love your Christmas post, too! those pictures at Temple Square are beautiful.
I ♥ that picture of your family in front of the reflection pool. Its so cute how although you and your hubby are distanced by two kids he still reaches out to touch you for the pic. So sweet.
Heather: believe me, Utah has put out some real winter since then! Absolutely FREEZING temperatures, quite a few 1-degree days, and tons more snow. We have like a foot on our lawn still.
Oh, and for the record, a lot of those temple lights pictures are the kids trying to do our famous "ghost" pictures (their favorite)!
OH MY WORD your fam is so brave!!! That includes Dolly. Holy COW! Bella went into a stream?? I would be scuttling along with my hands PRETENDING to sled.
I love this post, I can't wait until the year I can go see the temple lights WITH you guys!
See you soon! I mean it. With gifts in hand.
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