We camp right on the creek
With the most amazing views that make your soul, mind and body come alive.
Sing with me - "The hills are alive ..."
Beauty surrounds me. The wilderness area is right beside us.
Rafting the Snake!! This year we don't have any cool whitewater shots because we all came!! Usually we would take turns staying behind with babies and take cool pictures for everyone when they went through Big Kahuna. Oey's first time on the Snake.
Jarom and Matt
That also means I also got to go with my best friend Michelle. We were the ones always switching off with the babies and camera.
Some more best gigglin friends
We had the strongest headwind that day, it was a workout.
Still a ton of fun
flipping fun
My hot man. Love this guy and that green rushing river.
Packed in the back of the truck
Nothing but love and sunshine
Right up from our campground is a hot spring!!!! Who could resist? Not us!!
They just made a pool right where it literally comes out of the mountainside.
It was such a fun cute little place
you can see Oey sporting his undies across the pool :)
Another beautiful morning. Matt and I long to live in this place, and to explore forever more. You all just need to go. Then you will understand what I'm talking about. They will speak to you too, the mountains, wind, river, flowers. The call of the Wild!!!!
But alas, we both have a love for Tetons!!!
You know you're in the Tetons when the bison bump you off the road.
We had a itchin to do some hiking. I LOVE lupine or any other wildflower. So we picked this trail just for the name. How could we go wrong?
Witches hair - cackle cackle
So far so good
Made it to a bridge and we got sidetracked
To much fun to be had, I think everyone slipped in at one point or another.
Beauty has filled me and then I see this. My heart exploded. Nothing beats sharing the outdoors with the kids.
Needed to make a stop to our very favorite ferry store at Menor's Ferry. Where Bella picked up her new very stylin bonnet and tin butterfly poster.
Came into Jackson Hole to meet friends for dinner.
And to fill up on goodies. We wanted equal highs on all levels here people. Our spirits and minds were soaring high above our tongues and bellies.
buddies till the end, when there is no else around
At our new campground, Gros Ventre in Grand Teton. Oey and Bella moved all the firepit rocks for no real reason. To be kids.
Jiffy Pop! An old camping tradition revived. It says not to cook over an open campfire. We broke the rules and reaped the benefits.

Last day of our trip. YELLOWSTONE. Black Pool at West Thumb. Doesn't look too black.
Yellowstone is always a favorite with the kids. They never tire of running from spring to geyser. Jarom actually cried when we said it was time to go home.
My mate
Too many wonders
The colors were just so free and fierce that day.
A buried fishing hole - Fishing Cone. In the old days they could fish in the lake and when they caught a fish they would just swing it over and dunk it in the hole to cook. Quick and easy dinner.
I loved all the springs. You can just stare into them for days. They cleanse the mind.
Too cool
There she blows. It wouldn't be a real trip to Yellowstone without Old Faithful.
We did a little hike up a mountainside to get the best view of the Grand Prismatic Spring.
Bella, taking a sip
Happy dance, down at the spring
Happy dance part 2
Last but not least. Everyone but Jarom wanted to wade in the warm Firehole River. Now that is refreshing.
Ready for the long but still short drive home.
Those hot springs are breathtaking! I remember seeing them as a teenager. Yellowstone was probably one of our most memorable vacations.
I am trying reeeeeeeally hard not to envy you. : )
oh my goodness guys, this trip was AMMMAAAAZZZIIING. i want to be there with you all so bad. next year, tetons, right?! bella in her bonnet is the cutest thing on earth, little holly hobbie. i love how matt is always teaching the kids to identify trees and wildlife. you are the best lil family in the world. and the kids brains and hearts will be stuffed full of unending love and joy they get to take with them throughout their lives. that RIVER! that sky! amy, i love how you cherish the beauty and bliss of the natural world. love you all!
definitely Tetons + Yellowstone + Granite Creek next year Heather! Wyoming it is.
I love these pictures. I'd rather be in these pictures than Madrid. Madrid is missing a black pool/ocean/some kind of river to walk to. Also, Santander has really pretty water, but parts of California are prettier. And you should go on a roadtrip to Pagosa Springs, CO. My Granny would let you stay at her house.
Rachel: Pagosa Springs looks like a cool little town! We just might take you up on the offer.
And Madrid can't be THAT bad, can it?
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