Hiking in the Merced Grove of the Big Trees
They are BIG! The largest in Yosemite is the Grizzly Giant, estimated to be nearly 3,000 years old.
"Everybody needs beauty ... places to play and pray in. Where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike." - Muir. Too true my boy.
beam me up sequoia!
The triforce of Beattys
If you don't mind, I'm eating my smores before supper.
William giving the cousins the fire safety talk, they love it.
hiking with grandma - onward to the dome. Sentinel Dome that is. See it behind them?!
Matt, the best Daddy and Uncle. Helping the kids identify wildflowers while hiking.
Lunch on top, with breathtaking 360-degree views.
Matty next to the Dome we long to hike again. Half Dome.
Scrambling down
On top of Glacier Point. O in the middle of his two pops.
The worker thought Carl and I were from old Germany ;)
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine into trees." Miss Dolly and i are feeling it!!! xoxo
My chocolate faced Boo on one of the many lookout points on top of Glacier. Glacier Point has a snack shop on top. My dad insists on coming up here every year. Ice cream bars with views galore can't be beat.
At the bottom of Yosemite Falls. We had a dance party on this bridge. We were so excited that we were the only ones there. Usually this place is crowded. A many thanks to warm wonderful sprinkling rain.
Jarom has got the deer in headlights look down.
Grandpa and Grandma with the youngest camper Ivy.
Steph and James making a dutch oven full of goodness.
The boys not letting one bite go to waste
Sisters living the life in a grand meadow right next to our site.
Frolicking Carl
Majestic waterfalls, deep valleys, grand meadows, ancient giant sequoias, granite mountains, lakes, streams, forests, we love you.
Love the pics. Sad we couldn't join you this last year. Love you!
you guys are so awesome! always doing so much fun stuff. great photos!
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